Selamat datang di Ponpes AS-SUNAN JOSO
Pondok Pesantren Putra-Putri As-Sunan merupakan pondok pesantren yang memiliki sistim pendidikan yang berkualitas dan telah di akui oleh Kementrian Agama Kantor Kabupaten Purworejo Dengan NSPP: 510033060107.
Pondok pesantren As-Sunan di pimpin oleh KH. Ahmad Imam Baihaqi dan Ummi Khoiriyatul Mazidah S.Th.I yang saat ini memiliki lebih dari 200 santri baik di jenjang TPQ ataupun Pondok pesantren.
Pendekatan Pembelajaran
Pillars Of Islam
“I witness that there is no god but God and I witness that Muhammad is His messenger.” Since the profession of faith is an integral part of daily prayer, the practicing Muslim recites it repeatedly.
Each Muslim should pray five times a day: in the morning, at noon, in the afternoon, after sunset, and early at night. These prayers can be said anywhere, prayers that are said in the company of others are better than those said alone.
Another pillar is the fast (sawm) kept each year in the ninth month in the lunar Muslim calendar, Ramadan. While the fast lasts, neither food nor drink may be taken from sunrise to sunset, but they are allowed at night.
The third pillar is the giving of alms, or a special tax, to the needy (zakat). Traditionally, this tax is paid in conjunction with the large celebration held when the month of fasting is over.
At least once in his or her lifetime, every Muslim whose health and finances permit should make the pilgrimage to Mecca to carry out various rituals, including walking seven times around the Kaaba.

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Pondok Pesantren Putra Putri As-Sunan, Desa Joso, Kec. Ngombol, Kab. Purworejo, Jawa Tengah 54172